I have a little catching up to do, so before I get to my Mother's Day post, I thought I'd let you know what's been going on the past few days. Because I'm a tool, I'm keeping it in reverse chronological order, like you would see it if I had posted on the right days.

Yesterday was a bit chilly, and it looked like it was going to rain all day. But we had plenty of fun inside! Joey, as always, was trying to figure out how to put the toys of his Exersaucer in his mouth. He can usually get the sheep and the pig in just fine, but he insists on getting the green slider in, too, and that one just doesn't bend the right way. Eventually he'll figure it out.

This one was from Saturday morning. I absolutely love these jammies. They are so cute - little Snuggle-Saurus. They're "ferociously cute." And they don't have feet, so when it gets a little warmer, his little piggies will get a chance to breath.

It was a little warmer on Friday, and Joey actually went the whole day in just a short sleeve onesie and pants. I really find this whole clothing thing amusing. If Joey's arms and hands feel chilled, I assume he's cold and put on a sweatshirt or long sleeve shirt. Hopefully summer will actually get here. Otherwise, I'll need to invest in more jackets (or laundry detergent).

As I may have mentioned before, Joey absolutely loves to put things in his mouth. He loves the alligator and aquarium Nana and Pop-Pop brought him. I think he'll love them even more once he's sitting up on his own and figures out how he can make the alligator go. Oh, and you'll be happy to know I bought him a Sesame Street remote control, so he has his own (that doesn't have all the electronics in it). And it helps him learn his numbers!!