Friday, October 9, 2009

Escape from the Mooselodge

Good things come to those who wait. And I've made you wait long enough for new pictures of Joey. You're welcome.

Today was not a great day for the boy. Since he had a fever yesterday, we knew he was going to be home from school today. His fever seemed to break this morning (around 99), but throughout the day was anywhere between 100 and 102. It seemed to be coming back down this evening, and he definitely seemed a bit more playful after dinner. We even got a big smile out of him! And yes, those are fleece pajamas. We have a frost warning tonight and tomorrow, so I'd rather keep him warm than worry.

Joey still loves to play with the ethernet cords. I snapped this one as he was waving his hands wildly up and down, showing Mommy he "won" and reached the cord. Seriously, though, aren't these pj's adorable? I love moose!


Anonymous said...

More proof that you guys belong in Colorado!!!


mom said...

we did have to wait only ten days and i can hold him and get his opinion on whats going on i picked up more stuf at yardsale a baseball on a tee set and a whole work bench with hard hat i love you mom

Shelze said...

I love his "hi mom, look what I got look" I can't wait to see all these faces up close and personal!

rockle said...

"look, ma, i won the ethernet!"