We had a very exciting weekend, and as you look at this post, you'll think we spend the whole time in the airport. Apparently I only remember to take pictures before or during the flight. (At least I have great images for the scrapbook!) Here's Joey playing in O'Hare on our way to Easton for Shelley's bridal shower. There was a little eleven-month-old also in the airport, and they had some fun together (before Claire left for Madison - why would you fly to Madison?). Since this wasn't our first flight, Mommy was definitely prepared with a blanket so Joey could stretch out and plenty of toys. (You'll also notice he's holding his head upright - yeah!)

The bridal shower was a ton of fun. Fortunately, Rachel did take pictures, and you can find some
here. There are also some from my sister-in-law Danielle
here. I think there were at least 40 people enjoying the sunshine in my mom's backyard, and every single one of them thought Joey was just so cute. I think there were even a few "fights" over who got to hold him. It was great. Sunday was the Godiska family reunion, which is also captured in Rachel's blog. I haven't played volleyball in so long; it was excellent. And once again, they were passing Joey around like a football.
And then here we are back at the airport again. It was lunchtime when we arrived, so Nana and Pop-Pop gave Joey his last meal in Easton (until we go back in August). Pop-Pop can be such a cry-baby sometimes. But it's great flying in and out of Allentown because there's no line and I can get there less than an hour before the flight and not be stressed at all.

Finally, here's Joey on the plane. All smiles for the first 10 minutes, but was he exhausted from this weekend. Slept the whole flight home, and then took another hour and a half nap once we got home. He's just waking up now, so I have to go. Can't wait to see you all again in five weeks!
Special Note: We also had our first Tylenol today. Joey's running a low-grade fever (100.5 degrees) and developed a runny nose before we left Easton. Probably nothing to worry about, but since I'm essentially using this blog as his baby book, just one more thing to mark down.
the runny nose is going around, i think -- probably he got something from one of the eleventy million people who kissed him this weekend. baby tylenol is wonderful, we always make sure we have some handy. and good old ice water, if you can get it.
It was great seeing both of you this weekend. And yes, your son is adorable. Dad wasn't the only cry baby today. Have a great couple weeks, see you in August! I love you!
i'm hoping he gets rid of the fever quick it could be from the teethalso he was pulling on one ear i think it was left but i'm not sure i love you mom
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