I realize the whole point of wordless Wednesday is to keep it wordless, but that's why I called it NOT Wordless Wednesday. First things first. Did you see those hydrangeas? Seriously? They were tall last year, but this year they are definitely taller than I am. (That's my neighbors raised deck in the background - it's at least four feet off the ground.) There are crazy ones peaking up I'd say at least five and a half feet. And in the front? We removed verigated bushes that I didn't like at all, and replaced them with another hydrangea (Endless Summer) on the north side, and a lilac bush and a rose on the south side. Not sure why. On the south side of our house, you can barely even see the lilac bush, and you can't see the rose bush. Once the blooms are fully developed, that hydrangea is getting a major trimming. Which, to be honest, I'm a little concerned will only help it grow even better, faster, stronger. Anybody want any?
Another curious observation about Chicago, which everyone who lives in Chicago already knows. If you don't like the weather, wait a day and it will change. Seriously. I did the baby's laundry yesterday, and I folded two pair of fleece pajamas and three pair of cotton long-sleeved pajamas. Which means that within the last two weeks, because I usually do his laundry on a weekly or week and a half basis, it was cold enough for fleece. And today, the temperature was over 90, with heat indexes in the upper 90s. Un-freakin'-believable. We even had a thunderstorm this afternoon, but it did absolutely nothing to reduce the heat or humidity. Good times.
Finally, there is no update on Joey. I called the doctor's office as soon as they opened this morning, but they had not yet received anything from radiology. Seriously? They said the results would be with the doctor in 24 to 48 hours. (The website actually says results would be within 24 hours, but I'm not going to nit-pick.) I gave them 50 hours, and they hadn't even yet provided the results to my doctor. On top of that, Joey's pediatrician was off today. I'm not going to fault her for that, though; everyone deserves a day off. All I can say is they better have been lax getting the results to Joey's doctor because everything's fine.