So it's not a much-hoped-for belly shot, but at least it's an update. This picture is from the baby shower Gloria and Danielle threw for me. It was absolutely fabulous. Pictured are great friends (front) Nicole, Jayne and Teresa and (back) Laura, Cara, me and Joe. The favors were the best - Baby Burger M&M's!! (Don't worry, Mom, we saved you some.) We received tons of wonderful presents and can't thank everyone enough for their generosity and support.
Everything is going well. We're in week 37, with an induction scheduled for sometime in week 39, so only 2 weeks left! I can't believe how quickly the past eight months have flown by. And no, I'm not ready for it to be over. Because right now, when I eat, the baby eats. (S)he can go to sleep whenever (s)he wants. I don't have to worry about crying or changing diapers or midnight feedings. Really, the pregnancy is easy. OK, so I can't wait to sleep on my stomach or back for a whole night. But at least I'm sleeping!
But don't get me wrong. We're incredibly excited. And scared to death. But I'm pretty sure that's what everybody goes through. At least that's what I keep telling myself.