So for those who haven't had a chance to rub my belly, here's the first picture of our little Boba. Actually, it's the second picture, but the baby's only a jelly bean in the first one, so I figured I'd save that one for the scrapbook. This is Boba at 12 weeks, and you can see the giant head and little hand.
Note: Yes, Boba, as in Boba Fett, the cloned bounty hunter who captures Han Solo. Joe nicknamed the baby this weekend, and it just makes me laugh everytime I say it, so we're sticking with it.
AWWWWWW! Look at little Boba! How cute. I wanna rub that tummy! Miss you and love you!
awe!!!!! Boba :)
Love from Liberia to the little peanut and big hugs to his or her mom.
apropos of nothing: if you look at this picture in the right state of mind, it totally looks like boba is rocking a pair of sandals or flipflops or something. tee hee.
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