Monday, July 13, 2009

Trouble on the Horizon

So Joey's not crawling yet, but he's definitely figured out how to get around. I turn my back on him for a second to check email, and look at him. Trying to crawl up the toy box.

And he can almost get in there! Just not great at pulling himself up yet. But give him time.

My friend Jamie, whose twins are a month older than Joey, already has one crawler. And she's warned me that her two favorite phrases now are "No, Kennedy" and "Kennedy, no!" We're not there yet, but soon.

The little bugger's cute, though. And makes you forget about all the trouble he's going to cause. Or does he make you wonder what new trouble he's cooking up in that little head of his?

1 comment:

mom said...

he sure will be busy and after all the things you forgot you have once they get the idea they are off!!