Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Sorry

First, for all my loyal followers, I want to apologize it's been a few days. Joe's great-aunt passed away earlier this week, so we've been a little pre-occupied. I still have been taking pictures, just haven't had a chance to post them. So without further ado ...

We received this ExerSaucer (yes, that's it's real name) as a shower gift, but Joey hasn't been able to use it because he couldn't hold his head up. Oh, and it was in Busza and Grandpa's garage, inaccessible to the little tot. Mommy picked it up, put it together, and put the baby in! He seems to enjoy it. Still needs to work on his core strength (he leans forward a lot), but he's only four and half months old, so he has plenty of time to figure it all out.

This was just a really cute action shot. Joey's rolling over all the time now, and last night, while Daddy was watching him (Mommy was doing the dishes), he rolled from his back to his tummy, and then just kept on going back onto his back! My little boy is growing up so fast!!
And this ... this is our new high chair!! I couldn't put it off any more. (Our house is officially full of baby stuff. I tried, really I did, but it was inevitable. It's a veritable obstacle course when you walk through the living room.) Joey's moved on to barley cereal, which seems to be going well. That means sometime next week he'll be eating green beans (hopefully they'll stay in his mouth), and then on to peas! (Can't we give "peas" a chance?)

Finally, here's Joey, completely proud of himself in his big-boy chair. OK, so I'm projecting, but if he knew what proud meant, he'd be proud. 

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