Spring is here! OK, maybe not really yet, but there are blooms in my garden already! And sunshine! And they're saying maybe 70 degrees tomorrow. Really? Oh, right. They're calling for 35 and flurries on Thursday. But the forecast does say it'll warm up again into the 50s and 60s for the weekend, so we just might have made it through the winter.
I couldn't help myself with this picture. The face was just too cute. He didn't take his afternoon nap today (again), so I was just trying to keep him up until 7:00. Loves the theme song to Two and a Half Men. I'll just sing it (men, men, men, men, manly men, men, men) and then go into the falsetto and he goes nuts. Today he started making a big oval with his lips. Cute, cute, cute!
No real progress on solid food today. Maybe even a step backward. But I think I have it figured out. He has a Pavlovian response to seeing the bottle, something very similar to when our dog hears us putting food in her dish - very excited and nothing else matters. I think tomorrow I'll try keeping the bottle in the kitchen, out of sight, until he finishes his cereal. I'll let you know how well my experiment works.