Monday, November 16, 2009

Killing Me Softly

Let me start this entry with a quick "no, I'm not trying to kill you" to my sister. She's creating a cousins calendar (check out some sample months at rockle-riffraff), and the theme for August is bath time. I promise, I am not trying to ruin your life and make you change any of the photos. But if you so choose, that's up to you.

As you all know, Joey loves bath time. And my camera. So needless to say he was going to do everything in his power to get the camera into the bath tub on Sunday night. Fortunately, Mommy prevailed.

I don't think I even need to comment on this photo. Once again, he is entirely soaked of his own splashing.

This was the crazy hair we had tonight. I think I had officially wet his hair with the wash cloth as I was getting ready to wash it. You can see how fine it is, but he is definitely getting more every day. And you can't see it in this shot, but there is a new little bud of a tooth on the bottom. He's been drooling a lot (literally the spit would just continuously stream from his mouth), so we figured something was cutting, but I finally saw it on last night.

1 comment:

rockle said...

bathtub pictures will never stop being cute, will they?