Joey loves to crawl. He's still not up on all fours, but he just can't get around fast enough. He's even figured out how to move the gates out of the way. Done the hall, into the kitchen. He loves moving!

And look at those little feet. I don't know how he does it, or why, but he pushes off with his right toe. Always his right big toe. Never the left. It's so cute!

While he was playing on the little push car that his Cousin Shae gave him, I told Joey to wave "hi" to all his adoring fans. He was more than happy to oblige.

Then it was bedtime. (We took a bath first, and Joey splashed and splashed and got Mommy soaking wet. But we had a great time!) Joey has finally figured out how to pull himself up on his knees on the side of the crib, where he'll occasionally position himself so that he can scream louder for Mommy and Daddy. So we put the crib down as far as it will go. And he still was almost able to pull himself up. We're planning on putting the exercise mat down on the floor, just in case.
piggies om nom nom!
he hasn't tried to get out right???? he is looking more grown up and i guess next to the new babies he is love you mom
he hasn't tried to get out yet, but i'm sure that's coming as soon as he starts pulling himself up to stand. hence the mat.
He has that look like he is so totally planning an escape. Can't wait to see this growing young man!
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