That didn't take long. Already found more pictures from our adventures in Easton that haven't been posted yet. Score!
Joey loves doing whatever the grown-ups are doing, so you know he had to have some shaving cream when Pop-pop was shaving. He was so proud of himself!
Gratuitous cute shot of my favorite niece named Shae.
Shenanigans are a-foot, I tell you!
Nana and Pop-pop with their grandkids. Once again, two cameras going, tons of photos, not a single one where everyone is looking at the camera and smiling and the color balance is right and we can fix the red eyes. But I believe she doth protest too much.
Home for the Holidays
9 years ago
we are together and thats whats important !!!
someday we'll look back on this and laugh. or cry into our ensure coladas.
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