So when I downloaded the pictures from the museum last night, I realized I had pictures from Christmas still on my camera that I hadn't blogged about. I'll get back to Christmas morning later, but I thought I'd share a few precious ones of my new niece (who is one month old today!).

Catching her mid-yawn as she's waking up from her nap. (There's lots of natural light in the guest room, so no need to use the flash.)

Playing on her Aunt Kimmy blanket in the living room. (Again, lots of natural light, so no startling flash. And conveniently, no red eye to clean up.)

Getting lots of love from her big cousin. Joey absolutely loved holding Makayla, and actually was holding her hand completely unprompted. It was adorable.
I love these pics. Is there anyway I can get a copy of the picture of Joey holding Makayla's hand? Thanks!
they both have kimmy blankets !!! love mom
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