Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Tune

I have a bit of catching up to do, but I'm tired and have work to do and you'll just have to settle for pictures.

Joey loves the Wonder Pets ...

a lot.
He also loves to wear his diaper on his head. So every once in a while I at least try to make it look like a bandana and he's cool, like Bon Jovi or Brett Michaels (or something).

He still loves to look out the window. I imagine he's watching for Nana and Pop-Pop or Busza and Grandpa. Or any of our other friends who come to visit.


rockle said...

OHMYGOD that diaper-dana picture is AWESOME. seriously, give him a bad -- er, i mean, "fine european" weave and he could be bret michaels.

Shelze said...

I think he is looking for his Shae! Tell your hubs happy birthday for me!

mom said...

thanks for pictures i'll be singing wonder pets theme song all day my head i love you mom