It's been a while, so all I can say is buckle up and enjoy the ride. (Keep your hands and arms in the car, please.)
I don't know exactly when we started, but Joey is now eating table food. Pretty much at every meal (except breakfast). He absolutely will not eat any baby food until he's had his fill of solids. I think he just gets tired of chewing, but whatever it is, he's loving all kinds of foods. Cheeseburger, hot dogs, pasta, green beans, peaches, pizza. No, it's not all great for him, but mom and dad are having a few issues, especially since we never really used to plan dinner, and now we have to not only plan but plan for what a 9-month-old can chew. But it's fun! Here he is eating some Spaghetti-Os with Buszi last Friday.

He also loves to eat off the big boy spoon. He loves to eat the spoon, too. We'll move on to utensils in a couple months.

If you're in the know, you know the Wiggles have come to Sprout. Which is awesome (I guess), except they put them on at 7:00, instead of Sesame Street. I mean, who does that?!?! We need our Elmo in the morning. Joey wasn't exactly sure what he thought about them at first.

But, as you can see, he warmed up to them.

Finally, tonight was our first bath in the big tub. Joey loved it! We've always put his tub in the big tub anyway, so now he finally got all the extra space. He splashed and kicked (a little) and hit the sides of the tub like a drum. He's such a big boy!