So I have absolutely no problem posting pictures, but I'm very quickly running out of things to blog about. I mean, it's not like a 5 week old really does too much - except eat, sleep, and poop. We have been playing a bit more, and he's really been trying to roll over. I think he actually might have rolled over this morning, but I can't be sure how much he was helped because we were on the bed. (If I'm lying next to him, he does get a downhill advantage). The last couple nights he hasn't slept as well as he was before, but I keep telling myself it's because of the Hep B vaccine and not because he's not really a good sleeper. Although Lord help me if he inherited his sleeping habits from his father!
I know it's only December 5th, but I'm already looking forward to spring ... or at least temperatures above 40 degrees!! Maybe I'll get lucky when I'm in Pennsylvania after Christmas and we'll have a warm spell. A girl's got to dream.