So wow, I'm really behind on the blogging. Let's catch up a little. In mid-November, we had Joey's 5th birthday party at the Wildwood Nature Center. Aside from the flood warnings and the tornadoes that touched down down-state, it went off without a hitch.
The kids had a great time eating lunch.
Even Jacob and Cooper had fun listening to the instructors.

After lunch, the kids were able to pet the animals in the center. There was a ferret, turtles, a snake (Joey wouldn't touch that one!) and some guinea pigs. I think Joey loved hugging his friends the best!
After the animals, the kids got to play paleontologist (it was a dinosaur-themed party) and figure out where the fossils fit on the diagram.
The next adventure was building an exploding volcano!
Then it was time for the cupcakes and singing.
I couldn't believe when they all put the party hats on. That just was the icing on the cake for me! (OK, and all the science stuff was great, too.)