"The man with the yellow hat is taking George to the zoo today. There are so many things to do and touch and feel."We read Curious George Goes to the Zoo almost every night, so I figured it was time to get Joey back to the zoo. We met up with a few friends when we got there, and had a ton of fun.

You can't see them, but there are deer on the other side of the fence.

Joey was so excited to keep moving and see new animals. The zebras are coming up!

The kids loved playing musical chairs with the strollers. Kennedy and Kristopher were excited to get a chance to ride alone, and Joey loved having a friend next to him.

It was almost 95 degrees on Sunday, so it was important to stay hydrated!

Boys will be boys, and sometimes they're monkeys, too, trying to climb over the fences. If you look closely, I think you can see a giraffe in the background. (Completely on accident, of course.)