I know it's been a few days since I posted, but there is no reason to fret. Since I was out of town for a few days, I've just been enjoying time at home with my family.

Joey has rediscovered this Wiggles guitar my Mom picked up for him on one of her yard sale trips (or at least that's how I remember getting it). He really enjoys dancing to the music.

I tried to get one posed picture in his "new" shirt from Ashtyn, but alas, he's been drooling like crazy. (I can only assume his canines are coming in.) Don't worry, we'll also get a pic of him in this shirt on the John Deere.
Joey's also been keeping us on our toes. Since he colors at school, we also let him color at home. We bought him washable markers, which we immediately took away because he's eating them. We replaced them with crayons. He doesn't try to eat them nearly as much, but as you can see, they are equally deadly on the living room walls. (I think there are some Mr. Clean Magic Erasers in our future.)